
Perfectly Different.

I'm no longer going to care about other people's decesions. I can't change anyone unless there are willing to so whats the use? My only problem is people who live their lives for other people. People who wake up in the morning to be like everyone else. If you want to listen to the radio because you want to, go right ahead, but if you listen to the radio just to sing the same songs as everyone else then thats where I have a poblem.

But I'm learning that its my problem, my problem I can't fix. If you want to copy off everyone else, go ahead. I just wish I knew more people with originality & a mind of their own. Only a few people get me. I'm not like everyone else. If I could meet someone like me I would be sooo happy. A lot of people don't understand some of the things I say or do, or listen to, & thats fine.

I don't care anymore, I'm just going to keep my thoughts to myself & find another way to express them because most people around me don't understand. I love being different & I love others who are different. We would definitley get along.

"I like people who have a sense of individuality.I love expression and anything awkward and imperfect,because thats natural and thats real."
-Marc Jacobs.



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