Last night I finally got to finish a pretty old movie, Sex & The City. The fashion in this movie is bomb. Automatic favorite for me. So Is the soundtrack.
Listen to Labels Or Love-Fergie HERE
Listen to Mercy-Duffy HERE
Movie Night
Posted by Esther SupaDupaa at 10:08 AM 0 comments
Succesful Premiere
As much as I hate 106&Park, I definitely will be watching it tonight. Successful video is premiering finally.
Just found the video. (: Enjoy. Trey looks mad sexy. & I love his verse.
Posted by Esther SupaDupaa at 9:03 AM 0 comments
I'm Ready
Posted by Sincerely-Jay at 7:07 AM 0 comments
College "Couture"
I spend a lot of time on my appearance because I believe when a woman is in the streets doing whatever (shopping, going for a walk, or even taking out the trash) she should look her best. Now, of course I know this isnt achievable at all times. The economic times are hard so shopping excessively is totally out of the question for a lot of us and sometimes you just don't feel like getting dolled up. You wake up..see its raining, didn't get your homework done, and your roommate STILL hasn't returned you favorite blouse "Fuck it!" you say and then throw on some sweats.
I've been at school a week and a half. I go to a pretty big university with a predominately white population now, I'm not sure if they were raised to say "Fuck it" everyday or what but dammmmmnnnn no one gets dressed for class. I felt really overdressed my first three days of class and so afterward I figured I'll save my nice clothes for the many parties I'll be attending this semester and dress down a bit for class.
When I had almost lost all hope, me and some of my girlfriends decided to head to the club last night. No need to ask, of course I wore one of my best fits and made sure my hair was tight and then we left. We arrived, I cut the line as usual, and upon entering the establishment I immediately wished I had opted not to go.
GET THIS! Girls were wearing sweat shorts, tank tops and....and....New Balance gym shoes! WTF?!?!?! It took everything in me to not slap every single one of those Fashion Offenders. The guys were no better, gym shorts and wife beaters..smh.
When I got to the stage where most of the black people hang out, I was more at ease because I was surrounded by those who actually cared enough to change out of their pajamas before leaving for the club. I was also pleasantly surprised to see that here a lot of the white girls were dressed up too. And although many of the shirts looked like they were snatched and ripped from the DEB clearance rack, and then roughly sewn back together, it was loads better than the exercise wear.
I know college students are always poor, but please if you don't have any nice clothes borrow some or just simply, stay home! (lol) I'm joking but I know yall feel my pain.
Posted by euro_liz at 1:46 PM 0 comments
New Song Hits Thee Net...............Guess who!!!! boo Drake is in yet ANOTHER song, but its not juss him and Wayne. Its him, wayne, kanye.....and wait for it........eminem!!!!! Say what you want about this very interesting white boy...but he can spit.! I like it! But listen for yourself.
Posted by pagina at 9:32 AM 0 comments
Who Is Ester Dean?
Shes doing this whole little thing where there are NO pics of her anywhere, I think its pretty creative. But listen to her new song featuring Chris Brown called Drop It Low HERE.
Posted by Esther SupaDupaa at 8:42 AM 0 comments
Flyy FeFe Dobson
Looks like someone stepped her cookies up over the years. Check out her picks from Honey Magazine. My favorite item would be the Levi high waist zipper shorts, those are hott.
Posted by Esther SupaDupaa at 8:17 AM 0 comments
Whats Irking Me..
1. This whole Chris Brown thing. People need to A.)Get the fuck over it, and B.) Shut the fuck up talking about it. It happened in FEBRUARY. It is almost September. All people make mistakes, but only wise people learn from them. I truly believe he made a mistake & is taking responsibilities for them. What I don't understand is that, people are so quick to forgive their friends and any regular Tom, Dick, and Harry but when celebrities make mistake, the whole world collapses. Its ridiculous, forgive and forget. WWJD!?!?
2.Hoodrats. And sidenote, if you were Aeropostale, that does NOT exclude you from being a hoodrat. Walking around screaming and yelling and cussing isn't cute. tYpi1n liiK3 tH11z iisn't Kut3. Neither;; iis thiss**()(). What the fuck? The main people like that don't even know how to use a semi-colon. We are not in 2005 on Myspace anymore people. Step your cookies up. Learn to spell, having mad typos just makes me aware that you're an asshole who thinks you're cool and you're clearly not. Having stupid ass name on Facebook such ass Ki'Ki Lovezmybabydadyyjohn Cuffedup or some stupid shit like that knowing damn well your name is Sarah. Fuck out of here.
3. Name Brand junkies.Because you have one Hollister, don't go around calling yourself Mr. Hollister boy or stupid shit like that. Thats fucking WHACK! All these people think their doing somthing because they have their one pair of True Religions knowing damn well they bought if from TJ Maxx, please stop. Be YOURSELF "Life isn't about finding yourself, its about creating yourself." Be original, stop being posers and trying to be something your not and stop trying to have money you're clearly not getting.
Thats all for now..
Posted by Esther SupaDupaa at 6:08 PM 2 comments
In Memory Of Aaliyah
Aaliyah died eight years ago in a plane crash. I know she's resting peacefully.
My All time Favs..
I Absolutely love the dancing in the video, her dancing is so smooth and graceful.
Posted by Esther SupaDupaa at 9:35 AM 0 comments
One P*ssy You Can't F*ck With!
Cassie is featured in DimePiece's New ads. From what I've seen, the Clothing line is pretty hott. Check out the site HERE.
Posted by Esther SupaDupaa at 1:22 PM 0 comments
Pleasure For The Eyes/ Pain For The Ears
Well.. Not really. The song is okay, I'm feeling "In For The Kill" alot more. Pop singer La Roux, the fashion in this video, Bulletproof, is just Bomb.
Listen to In For The Kill HERE
Posted by Esther SupaDupaa at 12:57 PM 0 comments
Nina Fly
R&B twin singers Nina Sky have been stepping their cookies up lately. All the pictures I've been seeing of them is just pure dopeness, and I Love Nicole's hair cut.
Posted by Esther SupaDupaa at 3:29 PM 0 comments
Melody Ehsani=DOPE
L.A. Designer Melody Ehsani is the definition of dope. She designers some of the hottest jewelry I've seen & some bad as shoes. People like Keri Hilson, Rihanna, and Angela Simmons rock her pieces. She was recentely on the set of Keri Hilson's Slow Dance video shoot. & I LOVE her four finger rings!
Posted by Esther SupaDupaa at 12:56 PM 0 comments
The Item: Acis Stone Washed Jeans
I Was sooo ,excited when I got my pair earlier this summer, but I've seen alot of celebs rocking them. To wear them right, they have to be pared with the right outfit. This late 80's early 90's trend is making a comeback.. Check em out:
Posted by Esther SupaDupaa at 12:37 PM 0 comments
"Chicks Before D*cks" is Dead and Gone
I've gotten a few messages asking what happened with me and my boyfriend so I decided to give a quickie update. We're doing fine now. I was able to get my computer back and Skype has become a life saver. If you don't have it already, I highly recommend you downloading it.
But as most of my friends know, if there is not one issue in my life, there sadly, is another. Now, I'm back at school two hours away from my home in Southfield and 45 minutes away from any mall. Its sad and I'm afraid that my swagg may falter under such barbaric conditions but I'm trying to hold it together (lol).
The whole mall issue is very mundane compared to my other problem: Friends. How many of us have them? I can honestly say I only have 2 girl friends and about 6 guy friends. The rest of the people in my life are either family, acquaintances, or people I am just cordial with. Last night I lost another "friend." No, she didn't die, get hit by a car, or fall into a Ecstasy-induced coma...she was a disrespectful, back-stabbing, plastic-flower wearing slut and so she is now less than one of those people I'm cordial.
I don't trust many people nor do I like many people. People tend to disappoint me a lot so I'd rather stick to myself and do me. I guess I should have stuck to myself last night but I didn't. It was Saturday and I wasnted to be social and get sh*t-faced and that's what I did. Admittedly, I am an angry drunk. I yell, I scream and I hit, but you have to provoke me first. Last night I was pushed beyond my limit and my reaction was (smh) wild to say the least.
Let me explain. Have you ever heard either the crude sayings "Bro's before Ho's" or "Chicks before Dicks"? My girlfriends and I swore by the latter and had not broken our vow, until last night. I used to talk to this one guy of the Caucaison persuasion and he was attending this little shindig we were at last night. Since I am happily engaged we were just being friendly and socializing casually when my "friend" asked me if I would be mad if she talked to him. I looked at her as if she was sprouting scrotum's from her nostrils and said told her she was out of line for even asking. As the night progressed I noticed she was following him around, sitting in his lap, and even stroking his overly-gelled hair (yuck) and so I got mad.
I can't remember my exact words because of all I consumed but I remember calling her a treacherous b*tch and cursing her out loudly in front of all the other attendees. I do not regret what I did because she was being a slut and therefore as a result was treated like one. If you want respect you must earn it and honestly she lost all of mine that night. Of course I am leaving out huge chunks of the story but this post is getting quite long. lol
More updates later. Stay tuned! =]
Posted by euro_liz at 8:54 AM 0 comments
Movie Night
This weekend i'm at my sisters college. I must say, college life is pretty good. But we had a movie night and decided to pop in A Walk to Remember staring Mandy Moore and Shane West which I haven't seen in years. I completely forgot how much I love that movie. Its the perfect love story. And Shane West is so sexy. I never knew Mandy Moore's voice was so beautiful, I always though she was like Cassie and Rihanna, who only get signed because of their pretty face & damnwell can't sing.
Well, I LOVE this song Mandy Moore-Only Hope, so rent the movie and find the soundtrack!
Listen to only hope HERE.
Listen to Mandy Moore Ft. Jon Foreman-Someday We'll Know HERE
Posted by Esther SupaDupaa at 12:08 PM 0 comments
Naughty Boy: Trey Songz & Lip Service

Posted by Sincerely-Jay at 11:02 PM 0 comments
Rumor: Omarion Dropped From Young Money!!!
Posted by pagina at 4:14 PM 0 comments
World Wide Swagg
Check out SwaggerNewYork HERE
And SwaggerParis HERE
A Few pics from the website I found pretty eye catching and just dope, period.
Love the fringe booties.
Two finger rings!
Posted by Esther SupaDupaa at 1:03 PM 0 comments
Everybody's Nobody!

Posted by Sincerely-Jay at 9:43 AM 0 comments